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满口答应造句 造句大全

  • 2020-06-30 15:45:18
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1, 起初他满口答应,现在又变卦了。

满口答应造句 造句大全

At first, he promised, but now he changed his mind.

2, 这些条件他们都满口答应了,并且立了字据.

2. They all agreed to these conditions and made a written statement

3, 利欲薰心的孔丽华见有利可图,满口答应,并与毒贩商定了接头暗语。

3. When Kong Lihua, who is full of greed, sees that there is a profit to be made, she agrees with the drug dealer and decides on the connection code.

4, 以蒋经国一贯力疾从公,无怨无悔的态度,自然是满口答应会去主持湖口演习。

4. With Chiang Ching Kuo's consistent attitude of following the public with no complaint or regret, naturally he promised to host the Hukou exercise.

5, 龙应对着将立自是满口答应,然后又像抓小鸡一般将楚熠抱在怀中,“哈哈,小熠儿,二师兄带你去修仙去,开不开心啊?”。

5. Dragon Ying is full of promise to Li Zi, and then he holds Chu Yi in his arms like a chicken, "ha ha, Xiao Yi'er, are you happy with the second elder martial brother taking you to Xiuxian?".

6, 珍妮莞尔一笑,满口答应说,“这本来就是刘家的东西,理应完璧归赵。

6. Jennie smiles and promises, "this is the Liu family's stuff. It should be returned to Zhao perfectly.

7, 毫不含糊的满口答应,大步就离开了珍的家门口。

7. He promised without any doubt and strode away from the door of Jane's house.

8, 这位急得象热锅上的蚂蚁的糖商,一听有船便满口答应给了经理一笔酬谢。

8. The sugar merchant, who was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, promised to give the manager a reward as soon as he heard that there was a ship.

9, 而陈健锋闻言满口答应:“有!”身旁的谭耀文也坦承刘力扬“真的是气质很好”。

On hearing this, Chen Jianfeng promised: "yes!" Tan Yaowen, beside him, also admitted that Liu Liyang was "really good-natured".

10, 12年前在邵阳农村一间旧屋里,年仅21岁的周海峰满口答应了小叔叔临终前的央求。

Ten or twelve years ago, in an old house in the countryside of Shaoyang, Zhou Haifeng, only 21 years old, fully agreed to his uncle's dying request.

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