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表演造句大全 词语造句大全

  • 2020-06-30 15:53:41
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1) 观众对艺术家的精彩表演赞不绝口。


1) The audience was full of praise for the artist's wonderful performance.

2) 观众们全神贯注地观看魔术师的精彩表演。

2) The audience was engrossed in the wonderful performance of the magician.

3) 人们为小丑的滑稽表演哑然失笑。

3) People were dumbfounded by the clown's funny performance.

4) 晚会上,艺术家们还表演了几个戏剧片段。

4) At the party, the artists also performed several drama clips.

5) 钢丝绳上的特技表演看得人心惊胆战。

5) The stunt on the wire rope was frightening.

6) 小猴子纯熟的骑车表演,逗得孩子们拍手叫好。

6) The little monkey's skillful cycling performance made the children clap their hands.

7) 人们为他的精彩表演大声喝彩。

7) People cheered for his wonderful performance.

8) 他当场就把这种新技术表演了一次。

8) He performed the new technology on the spot.

9) 观众们都凝神注视着舞台上杂技演员的表演。

9) The audience watched the acrobats on the stage.

10) 南方演员表演的相声别具一格。

10) The crosstalk performed by Southern actors is unique.

11) 她的表演非常投入,受到观众的好评。

11) Her performance was very engaged and well received by the audience.

12) 我国京剧表演艺术家在欧洲的演出引起了巨大轰动。

12) The performances of Chinese Peking opera artists in Europe have caused a great sensation.

13) 李晓红的精彩表演,博得了同学们的阵阵喝彩。

13) Li Xiaohong's wonderful performance won the applause of the students.

14) 侯宝林大师表演的相声,诙谐幽默,饶有风趣。

14) The crosstalk performed by master Hou Baolin is humorous and interesting.

15) 魔术师的表演变幻莫测,令我眼花缭乱。

15) I was dazzled by the unpredictable performance of the magician.

16) 人们用惊奇的目光看着魔术师变幻莫测的表演。

16) People watched the magician's unpredictable performance with astonishment.

17) 魔术师的表演动作纯熟,一点儿破绽也看不出来。

17) The magician's performance is skillful, and there is no flaw in it.

18) 观众们目不转睛地注视着魔术师的表演,希望能看出点破绽。

18) The audience watched the magician's performance, hoping to see some flaws.

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