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造句大全 用狗窝造句大全

  • 2020-06-30 16:11:56
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
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  1. 狗窝里养不出金钱豹。民谚

造句大全 用狗窝造句大全

1. There is no leopard in the dog's nest. popular proverb

2. 金窝银窝,不及家里狗窝。

2. The Golden Nest and the silver nest are not as good as the dog's nest at home.

3. 金窝银窝不如自家的狗窝,累了一天回到家中,让我们潇洒脱个衣,畅快吃个饭,舒服洗个澡,然后爬进狗窝!让我们一起跑步进入梦乡吧!晚安!

3. Gold nest and silver nest are not as good as our own dog's nest. When we get home after a day's tiredness, let's take off our clothes, have a good meal, take a comfortable bath, and then climb into the dog's nest! Let's run and fall asleep together! good night!

4. 去年今日此门中,几个酒鬼来推盅。一夜星辰一夜风,狗窝西侧厕所东。来是空言去绝踪,原是厕所去睡梦。闻道梅花坼晓风,呕物遍满墙角中。

4. In this door last year, several drunkards came to push the cup. Night star night wind, Dog House West toilet East. Come is empty talk, go to the track, the original toilet to sleep. Smell the plum blossom crack Xiaofeng, vomit things all over the corner of the wall.

5. 大寒胜小寒,天气冻成团;小狗窝里吠,喜鹊巢里睡;我把祝福堆,堆成信息杯;满上祝福水,送你喝不醉;大寒节气来,愿你身体棒,家和事事美!

5. The great cold is better than the little cold, and the weather is frozen into a ball; the dog's nest barks and the magpie's nest sleeps; I heap my blessings into an information cup; I fill the blessing water and send you to drink; when the cold solar term comes, I wish you good health, beautiful home and everything!

6. 金窝银窝不如家里的狗窝,金座银座不如家门口的百货,美男帅哥不如跟老公唠唠知心嗑,千言万语受苦受累也无悔跟着你.

6. The Golden Nest and silver nest are not as good as the dog's nest at home, and the Ginza ginza is not as good as the department store at the door. It's better for a handsome man to chat with his husband and have no regrets to follow you after suffering

7. 教授向人展示了装在狗窝内的一条简单线路,断路器固定在窝内的墙上。

7. The professor showed a simple circuit in the kennel with the circuit breaker fixed on the wall of the kennel.

8. 我不知道你怎能忍受住在这狗窝里.

I don't know how you can stand living in this doghouse

9. 随着关门的轧轧声,我拿起我那本肮脏的书,用力扔进狗窝里,并发誓我讨厌说有的好书。

9. With the creak of the door closing, I picked up my dirty book and threw it into the dog's nest, swearing that I hated to say there were good books.

10. 当丈夫和妻子吵架时会用狗窝这个术语.

10. When a husband and wife quarrel, they use the term doghouse

11. 你忘了他家的狗窝不是已经挪那儿了吗?

11. Don't you forget that his kennel has been moved there?

12. 埃玛:真不走运!房间跟狗窝差不多大小!

Emma: bad luck! The room is about the size of a kennel!

13. 梅特的狗窝是在院子里,猫不受欢迎.

13. Met's Kennel is in the yard, cats are not welcome

14. 当你不在家的时候,箱式狗窝为狗狗提供了一个睡觉的好地方.

14. When you are not at home, the box kennel provides a good place for dogs to sleep

15. 狗窝里放不住剩馒头。

15. There is no room for steamed bread in the dog's nest.

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