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双语成语翻译 造句大全

  • 2020-07-02 15:32:17
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

1、倾盖如故  情同手足  八拜之交  情深骨肉

1. Close to one's heart and soul

2、慷慨仗义  生死之交  云天高谊  贫贱之交

双语成语翻译 造句大全

2. Generous and righteous friends of life and death

3、渭阳之情  忘恩负义  鲍子知我  深情厚谊

3. Love of Weiyang ungrateful Bao Zi knows my deep friendship

4、淡水交情  情投意合  管宁割席  管鲍分金

4. The relationship between Tanshui and Yihe

5、河梁之谊  同生共死  恨相知晚  忘年之交

5. The friendship between the two sides

6、心照神交  手足之情  桃花潭水  肝胆相照

6. Heart to heart, love to God, brotherhood to each other

7、范张鸡黍  义结金兰  高情厚谊  多情多义

7. Fan Zhang Jishu's loyalty to Jinlan

8、情深潭水  气义相投  情同一家  道义之交

8. Deep in love, close to each other and close to each other

9、深情厚意  患难之交  生死与共  刎颈之交

9. A friend in need and a friend in need

10、义断恩绝  推心置腹  心心相印  东道之谊

10. Cut off the favor and refuse to accept the heart to the heart

11、莫逆之交  相视莫逆  千里神交  情深似海

11. The friendship between the two sides

12、情深友于  燕市悲歌  亲密无间  拳拳盛意

12. Deep love and friendship in Yan City

13、志同道合  风雨同舟  情至意尽

13. Share the same aspiration and share the same fate

友情链接: 学习帮


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