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分清敌我造句 造句大全

  • 2020-06-30 15:42:38
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

(1) 这就意味着要分清敌我以及中立者。

分清敌我造句 造句大全

(1) This means distinguishing between the enemy and ourselves and the neutral.

(2) 要分清敌我,不能站在敌对的立场用对待敌人的态度来对待同志。

(2) We must distinguish between the enemy and ourselves, and we must not treat comrades in a hostile position and with the attitude towards the enemy.

(3) 官场并不一定非得分清敌我不可,许多时候,只要有那么一点怀疑,心里便栽下了一根刺。

(3) Officialdom does not necessarily have to score clear the enemy and ourselves. Many times, as long as there is such a little doubt, the heart will plant a thorn.

(4) 莫非发出啸声之人,竟能将啸声控制自如,分清敌我?他不由笑了笑,笑自己异想天开。

(4) Could it be that the man who whistled could control the howl freely and distinguish between the enemy and the enemy? He could not help laughing, laughing at his own whimsy.

(5) 到了这种时候,广大的群众一定会很快分清是非,分清敌我,他们将会起来粉碎那些落后分子的嘲笑和敌对分子的进攻。

(5) At such a time, the broad masses will soon be able to distinguish right from wrong and distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. They will rise up and smash the ridicule of those backward elements and the attacks of hostile elements.

(6) 这里雾气这么大他们能分清敌我么?声音确实就像发生在耳边一样,可我趴在地上半天却没见到一个身影。

(6) It's so foggy here. Can they tell the enemy from the enemy? The sound is like it happens in my ears, but I've been lying on the ground for a long time, but I haven't seen a figure.

(7) 革命的首要问题是分清敌我,此乃神话界第一重要之大事。zaojv.com

(7) The first problem of revolution is to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, which is the most important event in mythology. zaojv.com

(8) 城主大人说对羊可以有善心,可是对人却要分清敌我,泛爱更是一种残忍。

(8) The Lord of the city said that you can be kind to sheep, but to people, you have to distinguish between the enemy and yourself. Universal love is a cruel thing.

(9) 这么近的距离,毁灭来得又快又残酷,所以,在混乱中,战士们立刻就要分清敌我。

(9) At such a close distance, the destruction came quickly and cruelly. Therefore, in the chaos, the soldiers immediately had to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

(10) 这些钛战机都配备有识别器,以便侠盗中队成员在敌群中分清敌我。

(10) These titanium fighters are equipped with recognizers so that members of the Grand Theft squadron can distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

(11) 另外为避免引起误伤,全体参战人员,都在右臂缠上白毛巾,便于分清敌我。

(11) In addition, in order to avoid accidental injuries, all the participants wrapped white towels around their right arms to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

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