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  • 2020-06-22 14:39:19
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


About World Allergy day


On June 28, 2005, Wao, together with allergy agencies of various countries, launched a global initiative to fight against allergic diseases, and designated July 8 as the world allergic disease day every year. The aim is to prevent allergic reactions and asthma by enhancing the awareness of allergic diseases.


World Allergy day date


World allergic disease day time: July 8 is the world allergic disease day every year.

2020年世界过敏性疾病日是几月几日:2020年07月08日 星期三 (庚子年(鼠年)五月十八)。

What day is the world allergic disease day in 2020: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 (May 18, gengzi year (rat year)).


The origin of world allergic disease day


Disease profile


Allergic disease, also known as allergic disease, is due to the high sensitivity of patients, which produces a specific immunoglobulin E antibody (IGE) in the blood, which is allergic to a specific allergen. This patient has a genetic tendency. IgE sensitivity can lead to the following typical allergic diseases: asthma, rhinitis, allergic eczema, conjunctivitis, food allergy, drug allergy and anaphylactic shock. The most common allergic rhinitis and asthma are caused by pollen, dust mite, fungi and pets.


Development status


According to the World Allergy Organization's epidemiological survey of allergic diseases in 30 countries, 22% of the total population in these countries suffer from allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, conjunctivitis, eczema, food allergy, drug allergy, etc. About 45 million people in the United States have allergies, of which 39.5 million suffer from seasonal allergic rhinitis. According to the World Health Organization, there are 150 million asthmatics in the world, which are on the rise year by year. 50% of adults and at least 80% of children are caused by allergic factors such as pollen. If seasonal allergic inflammation is not treated, 25% - 38% of it will develop into asthma and eventually become perennial asthma, emphysema and cor pulmonale. The World Health Organization also estimates that more than 180000 people die of asthma every year, and about 250000 more died of asthma in 2005.


Global costs associated with allergic rhinitis, including drugs, counseling and work holidays, cost more than $20 billion a year. The global expenditure on antiallergic (allergy) drugs alone is estimated to exceed US $8 billion.

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