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  • 2020-05-28 10:40:43
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次

The problem of refugees has always been a persistent disease of the international community. As early as 1951, the United Nations Conference of plenipotentiaries on the status of refugees and stateless persons adopted the Convention on the status of refugees in order to guarantee the fundamental rights of refugees and to solve the problem of refugee status through international cooperation. Because of disasters, wars, ethnic and racial disputes, the refugee problem has become increasingly serious. Especially from 1993 to 2003, more than 80 wars or conflicts broke out in the world, resulting in a large-scale refugee flow. 


难民问题一直是国际社会的一大顽疾。为保证难民的基本权利,以及通过国际合作解决难民地位问题, 早在1951年,联合国难民和无国籍人地位全权代表会议通过了《关于难民地位的公约》。由于,灾难、战争、民族及种族争端等使得难民问题日益严重。特别是从1993年到2003年这十年来,世界范围内爆发了80多起战争或冲突,造成了大规模的难民潮,难民数量一直高达2000多万人以上,1994年曾达到2742万人,其中,妇女和儿童占难民总数的80%,难民问题的日益严重引起了国际社会的巨大关注。从2001年起,把每年的6月20日定为“世界难民日”。联合国希望借此引起人们对难民问题的关注,并对难民为社会做出的贡献有所认识、尊重。2001年第一个“世界难民日”将主题定为“尊重”,即尊重难民作为人的存在。The number of refugees has been up to more than 20 million, reaching 27.42 million in 1994, of which women and children account for 80% of the total number of refugees. The growing problem of refugees has aroused great concern of the international community. Since 2001, June 20 has been designated as world refugee day. The United Nations hopes to draw people's attention to the issue of refugees and to recognize and respect their contributions to society. The first "World Refugee Day" in 2001 defined the theme as "respect", that is, respect for the existence of refugees as human beings.

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