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  • 2020-06-22 14:29:04
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
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About international cooperation Festival

1844年罗虚代尔公平先锋社在英国诞生,揭开了现代合作社运动的序幕。国际合作社联盟于1895年在伦敦成立。1922年,国际合作社联盟决定将每年7月的第一个星期六确定为“合作者的节日”(International Day of Cooperatives) 。1992年联合国大会通过决议,宣布1995年7月的第一个星期六为联合国国际合作社日,以纪念国际合作社联盟建立100周年,并决定考虑将来每年都将此日定为联合国国际合作社日。

In 1844, Rochedale fair pioneer society was born in England, which opened the prelude of modern cooperative movement. The International Union of cooperatives was founded in London in 1895. In 1922, the International Federation of cooperatives decided to designate the first Saturday of July as the "international day of cooperation". In 1992, the general assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution to proclaim the first Saturday of July 1995 as the United Nations International Day of cooperatives, in order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the International Union of cooperatives, and decided to consider making this day the United Nations International Day of cooperatives every year in the future.


International cooperation Festival date


What day is the international cooperation day: the first Saturday in July every year.

2020国际合作节时间:2020年07月04日 星期六 (庚子年(鼠年)五月十四)

Time of 2020 international cooperation Festival: Saturday, July 4, 2020 (May 14, the year of gengzi)


The origin of international cooperation Festival

1922年,国际合作社联盟决定将每年7月的第一个星期六确定为“合作者的节日”(International Day of Cooperatives) 。1992年联合国大会通过决议,宣布1995年7月的第一个星期六为联合国国际合作社日,以纪念国际合作社联盟建立100周年,并决定考虑将来每年都将此日定为联合国国际合作社日。

In 1922, the International Federation of cooperatives decided to designate the first Saturday of July as the "international day of cooperation". In 1992, the general assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution to proclaim the first Saturday of July 1995 as the United Nations International Day of cooperatives, in order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the International Union of cooperatives, and decided to consider making this day the United Nations International Day of cooperatives every year in the future.

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