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小升初作文真题 学生优秀作文精选

  • 2020-06-22 13:58:43
  • 来源:苗苗黑板报
  • 编辑:admin
  • 己被围观 次


It's not so much that more thoughts are about children's entrance examination, but rather the psychological changes of children's first important learning process. Just looking at this blog, I can't calm down.


Just less than a year ago, it was said that seeing five years turn into six years was a little liver tremor, but now, it's less than half a month, it's going to be really far away, and it's really not so good in my heart.

小升初作文真题 学生优秀作文精选


Because of teachers, because of students, because of parents.


Now and Xiao Shuwen talk about the most, ask the most is the teachers and students are about to leave, each other's nostalgia. Perhaps it is still small, there has never been a real sense of difference, understatement, can not see a trace of sadness. Looking at the stars in the dark night, the sleeping villain thinks about himself more than 20 years ago, as if he really can't find the sadness of parting.


It's true to say that, "young people don't know what it's like to be sad.".


I wonder if the blog of this class will be in after the children leave? Will I keep writing? Although it's not good to stick to it all the time. But always feel that the heart can be placed somewhere. Maybe after junior high school, there will be the same blog group, but will it affect my heart?


Just now, I was talking with my parents about the examination in each school. I was worried about it one way or another. Although it was a sunny day outside the window, there was a cloud in my heart.


But fortunately, that guy is heartless every day. He eats, drinks, studies, reads and plays games as usual. Sometimes I think it's good.


Long time no see, or no see. As an adult, it's not a little sentimental.

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